Branding & Packaging Design

Dear Lilith

A witchy makeup brand that inspires you to become your most enchanting self.

Click through the images below to see Dear Lilith’s branding & packaging design.

Packaging Design

Dear Lilith wanted a witchy and enchanting feel for their new makeup line. Starting with a rich colour palette and a bold logo, we made sure the packaging would stand out on a shelf in a drug store or makeup shop, like Sephora. Gold, deep purples, with soft pink accent were the colours that became Dear Lilith’s identity.

Dear Lilith Makeup Packaging<br />
Dear Lilith Brand Identity and Packaging Nail Polish

Smoke and Magic

The perfect elements to create a moody story that evokes Dear Lilith’s passion of all things witchy and magic. Enchanting advertising is what brings Dear Lilith’s brand to life.  Â